Babbles on

Sunday 11 June 2023


i just came back from my school's alumni gala dinner.
it was a superb event because of the attendees

at first i didn't even want to come to the dinner because 
i don't usually pay for dinner up to 300-400rm.
i was like "mahalnya".. but
i love dinner.
i was once the director of MAKAM MALAM KORPORAT FESKUM in University Malaya and i love the process of planning for the event and making it a come true give me a satisfaction.
and Allah "rezekikan' for me to attend that event after for so long since i attend a dinner event.
Thank you Allah. Alhamdullilah..( all praises for Allah)
And indeed Allah's plan is more beautiful than we can plan.

Why do i love dinner event so much?
Because i love to look at people wearing pretty clothes
i love to see people dance beautifully
so in short i'm in love in anything beautiful.
sape tak suka tengok benda cantik kan?

but the energy meeting my old friends, was overwhelming.
i didnt get to enjoy the food fully because i was bloated with high waves of energy of smiles and laughters and beautiful things. 

what i can say is i'm glad i choose to come
eventhough it costed me a lot.
i do think its worth it. more than worth it.

and i do look forward to attend again in the future.
i hope my friends will stay "gedik and comel, happening, funny and just be themselves whenever we meet again"
i also hope that Allah will always ease any of their sorrow and hardship and reward them beautifully here in Dunia and Akhirat sana.
may they live the days ahead beautifully like they are.

i love my friends.

eventhough i know sometimes i dont really say the right things or do the right things, 
and maybe make some of my friends dislike me.
but i know i touched their life

whether i am significant or not to them it does not matter
whether they like me or dispute with me
because what matter is
i am grateful to have them as my friends
i am grateful to be in the same school as them for 5 years
i am grateful to even know them
because they color my life
they made my life more interesting and beautiful
and not just a blank canvas
but a beautiful piece of art

SO THANK YOU my friends
especially those who had attended the dinner.
thank you so much.

i would have regretted  a lot if i did not attend the dinner. it was a chance that i dont think will come in the near future for me. and i would envy my friends that could make it to the dinner. Eventhough i am happy for them that they had a great time. i would be wishing, "i wished i'd come."
it will be that kind of dialog.
and that was why i choose to come.
i did not want to regret and lose that moment and be jealous of others
And Alhamdullillah Allah grant my wish.

so in life chance always come to us
and when it is not easy
know that it will bear a sweet fruit in the end.

have faith, put aside your fear and excuses, put some effort, and grab the chances if you can.

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