Babbles on

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Dehydration & Diarrhea: Quick home Care for worried mothers

Need to write a proper article on this.

Dehydration caused by diarrhea is common among kids.

From my two girls experience..not much..
they will lead up to hospitalization if the kid is too weak with frequent vomit, diarrhea n no food intake.

Quick home care insyaAllah tested.
1. Ors oral rehydration salt

2. Drink water every hour (force if you have to using syringe)

3. Honey. Seem not logical but this is a sunnah food. It works wonder, after few intake might be worse..but afterwards insyaAllah better. Force if you have to.

4. Probiotics. brand Restore is the one i normally use. Very effective

Others that might help too (not all tested)
5. Tea ( make it as black as possible)
6. Olive oil, heard about this once in a radio program but never tried since i dont have edible olive oil.
7. Feed as much as the kid can, soups, porridge, rice, fish etc. Or even ice cream as long as there is sufficient intake to avoid the kid become too weak and can recover faster.
8. Cultured drinks
9. If you are brave n confident, pil chit ke taeon for your kids.

1. What is diarrhea?
2. What is dehydration?
3. Causes?
4. Special type?
5. When should you see the dr?
6. Prevention

Saturday 15 February 2014

The Roadtrip (Bintulu-Brunei-KK)

Return trip approximately 1700km

@ Brunei, Fri & Sat

From immgration post to Bandar Seri Begawan took about 2 hours drive.

Our 1st stop - Masjid Sultanah Bolkiah

What an amazingly beautiful mosque.
Anway, you are allowed to snap photos everywhere but inside the praying area.

Afterwards, we went to the town..

Pak cik hasan bawak boat for 1hr 30bnd..for 4 people.dpt tgk prombosis monkey..maybe leyh dpt 20bnd klu bargain tp rezeki dia.. :)

Muzium regalia sejam jugak la round dalam tu..dr kul930 smpi 1030am. Entrance free tapi parking 1.5bnd.
Sgt best..terasa mcm masuk maze plak dah hujung2 masuk dr pintu 1st  dr side kaunter information. .gmbr boleh tgkp area lobby shja.. souvenirs boleh tahan la 10bnd 4/ bila convert mhl la jugak..haha

Pergi makan nasi katok..kat restoran y sama kitorg lunch smlm. Then

Bertolak dari hotel kul 12..dh tgu about half n hour for the line to move..

Imigresen que 30min sindumin n merapok

Masjid Sultanah Bolkiah
(It was too bright at that time, the screen was black so we just simply snap.huhu)

Masjid Sultanah Bolkiah (nightview)

More on Brunei

Sofia's first 20 words @ 1yr 3mon

1. Allah
2. Mama
3. Papa
4. Nen (Menyusu)
5. Minum
6. Mam (Makan)
7. Nak
8. Ni
9. Na Nak (Tak Nak)
10. Dah
11. Pipi
12. Baby
13. Muahhh
14. Sih (Terima Kasih)
15. Tet (Tekan suis tutup lampu)
16. Cik (Kecik)
17. Dog
18. Ayam
19. Doi
20. Bye

Huhu.semoga sofia belajar cakap lemah lembut and sopan satun.. Cepat betul anak mama ni membesar ;)

Mama sayang sofia :)

Friday 7 February 2014

Sofia's step by step 1

Hari semalam..
Dia bgun 730am
Baru nak recover demam dia
Aktiviti pg xbyk cuma baca buku..
Sofia at this age 1y3m dah pandai cakap sikit2..
Perangai mcm org besar faham apa orang cakap atau suruh dia
1. Dah boleh sebut Allah, turtle, dog, tak nak, nak, ni, sih (terima kasih), mama papa tu dah biasa, minum, mamm..and klu keep repeat kat dia boleh la dia sebut fish dengan muncung2 mulut.huhu
2. Kalau azan dah pandai nak angkat tgn kat telinga. Pandai solat juga (cara dia la dgn mulut kumat dah going on since 1y lg)
3. Dah terer sket tuang air dari bekas ke bekas dengan less fav past time dia.get ready je la ngn kain pun mcm dh lama juga dia practis..
4. Hari ni dia ckp hoi hoi..nak2..i pun nyanyi la lagu papa dia selalu pasang n waktu part patut nyanyi hoi dia sebut hoi!.amazingkan?
5. Kalau jalan dah pandai tenjet2. Kalau menari goyang buntut mmg xtahan..kalau lari mmg laju..and pandai gak lentuk and senyum amik gambar selfie kadang2..
6. Suruh dia tutup pintu n ajak dia tdo, dia tolak pintu tapi xrapatkan..pastu keluar n main..walaupun dah ngantuk sbb papa dia belum masuk bilik.. last2 kul 11mlm bru tdo..huhu
Subhanallah Alhamdulillah Allahuakbar
How amazing watching her grow and picking up skills by skills..
Semoga Allah beri kesihatan yang baik tuk Sofia dan semoga Sofia menjadi anak yang solehah dengan husnulkhatimah (xreti nak eja tp maksud dia with good ending)